Sunday, February 7, 2010

Feeling a little chili

Honestly, I don't think I've ever cooked this much in such a short amount of time. Well, cooking in a sense of making stuff that takes more time than making a sandwich or cereal. So good times.

I'm not the biggest chili connoisseur or purist so I don't care whether it has beans or not, chocolate, cinnamon, or whatever people want to put in as long as it tastes good. The ingredients in this chili are pretty standard while browsing through recipes posted at some chili competition websites, besides the beer and maybe chicken stock. On a random side note, have won hottest chili at the neighborhood 4th of July block party (when there were only three entries). Got a neat little drink bottle that has like a thing in the middle that freezes. Good idea but it had a tendency to leak so I only used it once. Yargh.

Anyway I decide to make the base for a chili to fold in the leftover pulled pork after I'm done making a few sandwiches out of it. By the way, I'm taking these pictures from my cell phone because I forgot to bring the charger to battery for my camera when I moved, so excuse the random blurriness and ghettoness.

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